Parker Family Update
I know that it has been way too long since my last post, and for that I am sorry (good thing I don't have too many followers!). We have been busy with our homeschooling, swimming, and other random activities. Here are a few pictures that we've taken over the past week:
We had a couple of nicer, spring-like days last week and the boys were able to get some much needed outside time. Ever since Colin learned to pump on a swing last fall it has become one of his favorite activities. Caleb was having a rough day and complaining of having nothing to do since the bikes are still in the shed, and a light bulb came on in my head... Caleb's feet are almost as big as mine, and I have a pair of roller blades that fit me before my 3 pregnancies, so I thought "Why not give these a try?"...I think I may have created a new obsession. He LOVES them and the fit perfectly! He spent about an hour and a half each day just going up and down the driveway...he's not steady enough for me to let him out on the street yet. I have a sinking feeling that he will be asking for a trick ramp this summer...there is one at Target that he wanted to get last year.
Somehow, above all odds, Tod and I actually had a decent picture of us taken. We were at a friends wedding shower and she grabbed the camera and took this...not the best picture of me, but I am happy that we are both smiling!
My parents have continued a tradition (with a twist) that my grandfather had with us when we were growing up. He would come pick us up on our birthdays, take us to lunch, and then let us walk around the mall and purchase our birthday gift with the birthday money that he had given us. We all enjoyed being able to spend that time with him, and we all looked forward to being able to do so. My parents will come over and pick the birthday boy up, let them choose where they would like to go for lunch, and then walk around Toys 'r Us looking for that perfect gift (it has taken longer than expected on occasion!). Colin was given the rule this year that as long as he could carry it he could get it...well, there was a Fisher Price Geo-Trax set on display that he thought was very cool, and the box was almost as big as him! Somehow, the birthday boy was able to carry it up to the checkout about the power of want!
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