State swimming, a new/old friend, and a lesson learned
The Age Group State swimming meet was held this past weekend at the world renowned IU Natatorium. Caleb was able to go as part of the 200 Medley relay team, he swam the butterfly (the 3rd leg) and did a great job maintaining our first place status. The fourth leg had some difficulties and we finished 7th in the heat. Caleb thoroughly enjoyed being down there and watching his teammates swim as well. Here he is (in the cap) looking at the board to check the results of a race.

Colin went with me to the meet, and it is usually very difficult to keep him entertained for such a long event (for those of you not fortunate enough to experience the swimming world, one session of a meet can take 3-4 hours), but this time he was very well behaved. You see, he made a new friend (kind of, he already knew him) and was on his best behavior. His friend happened to be on vacation, which honestly everyone deserves!
Since we were preoccupied most of the weekend, I was unable to tackle my normal domestic goddess duties (ie., laundry), and it has piled up so high (both clean and dirty piles!) that I woke up this morning very much NOT looking forward to the mountainous task that lay before me:
I proceeded to open my e-mail and received my daily e-mail from Scott Noelle:
":: No Problem! ::
Having a "bad parenting day"? Whatever you're stressing about -- your child won't stop whining... you're way behind on the laundry...the baby nursed "all" night long... you yelled at the kids *again*... etc., etc. -- remember there are two components to every problem:
1. The actual condition
2. Your *belief* that it IS a problem. In other words, you don't *have to* perceive the condition to be wrong or bad.
Would a baby see your mountain of dirty laundry as a problem?
No, because wee ones see the world AS IT IS.They haven't been trained (yet) to pass judgment on Reality, so they don't see the problems we see.
Well, if a baby can do it, you can, too! :-)
Today, try letting go of the idea that conditions"should" be different than they are. Simply accept them..."No problem... It is what it is."But don't confuse acceptance with defeat. You can be accepting and still desire change. And change happens*easily* when you're at peace with What Is."
I chose to just see the laundry as what it is, and tried to not get stressed about's so much more important for me to sit on the floor and play with Play-Doh with my boys than it is to stress about the laundry...
Have a great day, I know I will!
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