It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...
I thought it would be fitting to start my journey into the blogosphere with a post about us getting our home ready for Christmas.
We picked up our tree on Monday and let it "fall" for 2 days before T put the lights on. The boys "helped" me put the ornaments on (with some creative rearranging by mommy). Watching the boys and their excitement as they unearthed the ornaments and started spouting memories brought back so many memories of decorating our tree while we were growing up, it was really neat seeing them create their own memories. After about a half hour the tree was ready for the star. T came out to put it on and the boys could hardly contain themselves as he lit it.
We also decorated the rest of the house, and while going through the boxes the boys unearthed their Santa hats. Of course we had to take a picture...or 2 or 3!